Contains Resources That Are Not in Sync With Press Continue to Force Delete Exlipse

Set Workbench and Eclipse Preferences

This article details information about how to set your preferences on Workbench and Plug-in for Eclipse. Information is provided only for preferences that are not self-explanatory.

This article details information about how to set your preferences on Workbench and Plug-in for Eclipse. Information is provided


for preferences that are not self-explanatory.

The Preferences dialog lets you set user preferences. You can search the Preferences dialog pages using the filter function. If you filter by matching the page title, type the name of the page you are seeking; the available pages are presented. The filter also searches on keywords such as appearance and logging. The history controls let you navigate through previously viewed pages. You can step backward or forward several pages at a time by clicking the drop-down arrow to display a list of the most recently viewed preference pages.

Set Cross Project Merge Preferences

The Cross Project Merge (CPM) preference lets you select the conventional Cross Project Merge mode. As a Merge Engineer, you have an ability to select the existing CPM, if you do not intend to use the latest CPM, which has visual interface from Workbench.

  1. Open the Workbench, and click Tools, Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Navigate to Cross Project Merge.

    The right pane displays the preference to launch the Cross project Merge Window without preview.

  3. This preference is not enabled by default.

Set Workbench Preferences

Setting Workbench preferences lets you set up the Workbench to suit your needs.

  1. Open the Workbench, and click Tools, Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Set the preferences you want to use for your Workbench sessions, and click OK to save changes and dismiss the dialog or click Apply to apply changes only.

  3. (Optional) Click the Restore Default button to restore dialog settings for the currently displayed preferences to their default values.

    Your Workbench preferences are set.

The BIRT Reports preference page lets you set the count of rows in the report viewer to be displayed per chart depending upon your requirement.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, BIRT Reports.

    The BIRT Reports preference page opens.

  2. Type the number of rows to display in the text box and click OK.

    The BIRT Report row display count is set.

  3. (Optional) Select the Export report without displaying in Report Viewer option to export the reports directly to your local file system.

    The report exports in the selected format.

    The preference of number of rows to be displayed (example, 5000) is applicable only to the report viewer display and not for the direct export of the reports.

The List View preference page lets you set the number of versions to be displayed in list view when a view path/versions node under the package is selected in the explorer view. You define the version count to display in a new view namely, SCM List View if the same exceeds.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, List View.

    The List View preference page opens.

  2. Type the number of versions to display in the text box and click OK.

    A new view namely, SCM List View displays if the number of versions exceed to be displayed (example, 10000). This SCM List View handles performance problems while displaying the versions in the list view.

Set Repository Cache Preferences

The repository cache preferences let you enable cache usage and specify how to access the cache.

You can store and access the cache in the following ways:

  • Specify a local (or LAN accessible) directory. Cache files are stored in this directory. Other users that also have LAN access to this directory can use it for a cache.

  • Specify a remote agent. A remote agent stores and access the cache files. Users that have permission to log in to this agent can use it for a cache.

  1. Select Tools, Preferences, Remote Site Cache.

    The Remote site Cache page appears.

  2. On this page specify one of the following:

    • A local directory -- Enter the directory name or use the browse button to locate the directory. If the directory name does not exist it is created the first time the cache is updated.

    • The location and login parameters for an agent to use for the cache -- Enter the agent host name, port number, user name, and password.

  3. Enable the Update cache during checkout check box if you want the cache to update as part of check-out operations.

  4. Click OK.

    Your repository cache preferences are set.

Set Explorer Tree Preferences

The Explorer Tree preferences page lets you specify how to display files, and set indicators that mark packages to show package conditions.

You can display files in one of the following ways:

  • In the Explorer View tree as children of folders. (Enable the Show Files in Tree option.)

  • In the Lists View, when you select a folder in the tree; the List View automatically appears in the foreground. (Disable the Show Files in Tree option.)

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, Explorer Tree.

    The Explorer Tree page appears.

  2. Display files by selecting the check box:

    • Show Files in Tree

      Shows files in the Explorer View tree as children of folders.

    • Check In/Check Out Dialog

      Retrieves cached values and uses them for the check-in and check-out process dialogs.

    • Show implicitly refactored versions under Packages

      Displays all the versions under package, that are created implicitly due to refactoring.


    When the Folder A is refactored, all the versions that are created for the items in Folder A are also shown in the List view.

Refactored Folder A

Refactored Folder A

If the Folder A is renamed, versions created for are also be shown in the List view.

Select the preferences that you want to appear on packages from the Indicator check boxes. Click OK.

Your Explorer Tree preferences are set.

The Workbench and plug-in for eclipse contains views and editors that control what appears in certain menus and tool bars. The General page lets you specify preferences for the general appearance and behavior of these views and editors.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, General.

    The General page appears.

  2. Select the preferences that you want to use for your Workbench sessions:

    • Always run in background

      Runs long operations in the background and does not block you from doing other work.

    • Keep next/previous part dialog open

      Keeps editor and view dialogs open when their activation key is released; otherwise, the dialog closes as soon as the key combination is released.

    • Show Heap Status

      Displays information about current Java heap usage.

  3. Select one of the following methods for opening resources:

    • Double click

      Selects a resource and a double-click opens the resource in an editor.

    • Single click (Select on hover)

      Selects a resource and a single-click opens the resource in an editor.

    • Single click (Open when using arrow keys)

      Uses the arrow keys to select a resource and open it in an editor.

    Depending on which view has focus, selecting and opening a resource may behave differently.

    Click OK.

    Your general preferences are set.

The Compare/Patch dialog lets you set preferences for text compare sessions.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, General, Compare/Merge.

    The Compare/Patch page appears.

  2. Select the General preferences that you want to use for your compare sessions:

    • Open structure compare automatically

      Automatically performs a structure compare whenever a content compare is done.

    • Show additional compare information in the status line

      Shows additional information about a change in the status line.

    • Ignore white space

      Does not show white-space changes in the compare viewer.

    • Filtered Members

      Excludes members from Compare With Each Other.

      Names in a list must be separated with a comma.

    • Show structure compare in Outline view when possible

      Displays an outline of a structured file that is currently open in the editor area, and lists structural elements.

    • Automatically save dirty editors before browsing patches

      Controls whether any unsaved changes are automatically saved before a patch is applied. Select this option if you want to save changes automatically.

  3. Click the Text Compare tab, and select options:

    • Synchronize scrolling between panes in compare viewers

      Keeps identical and corresponding portions of the code in each pane of the comparison viewer side-by-side.

    • Initially show ancestor pane

      Compares two versions of a resource with the previous version from which they were both derived. This previous version is called their common ancestor, and it appears in its own comparison pane during a three way compare. Turn this option on if you want the ancestor pane to always appear at the start of a comparison.

    • Show pseudo conflicts

      Displays pseudo conflicts, which occur when two developers make the same change (for example, both add or remove the exact same line of code or comment).

    • Connect ranges with single line

      Controls whether differing ranges are visually connected by a single line or a range delimited by two lines.

    • Highlight individual changes

      Highlights differences between each change in the compared files.

    Click OK.

    The Compare preferences are set.

Set External Compare and Merge Preferences

The external compare and merge preferences let you specify the external compare and merge tool that you want to use from the Workbench and Workarea / Plug-in and Workspace. You can also specify whether you want to perform a two-way or three-way comparison.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Navigate to General, Compare/Merge, External Compare/Merge Tools.

    The right pane displays external compare and merge tools with the associated command line options.

  3. Select the tool you want to use and select the comparison mode.

  4. Click OK.

    The selected external tool is configured for external compare and merge from Workbench and Workarea.

Set Network Connections Preferences

The Network Connections Preferences dialog lets you customize the network connection properties used by Workbench and Plug-in for Eclipse features which connect to the Internet.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, General, Network Connections.

    The Network Connections page appears.

  2. Select the General preferences that you want to use for your network connections:

    • Direct connection to the Internet

      Connects remote systems directly without involving a proxy server.

    • Manual proxy configuration

      Connects remote systems through a proxy server.

    • HTTP Proxy

      Specifies the server and port that is to be used when making HTTP connections. If the port field is empty, the default port of 80 is used. If you select the Use this proxy server for SSL option is selected, the HTTP proxy server is used for SSL connections as well.

    • SSL Proxy

      Specifies the server and port that is to be used when making SSL connections. If the port field is empty, the default port of 443 is used.

    • SOCKS Proxy

      Specifies the server and port that is to be used when making SOCKS connections. If the port field is empty, the default port of 1080 is used.

    • No Proxy for

      Specifies, either by name or pattern, which hosts should not use any proxy but instead should always be connected to directly.

    • Enable proxy authentication

      Specifies a user name and password that is to be used when connecting to the proxy server.

    Click OK.

    The Network Connections preferences are set.

The Help preferences page lets you indicate how to display help information.

The options you select on this page can affect how the help view is presented. If the selected browser is not fully compatible with Internet Explorer or Mozilla, or has JavaScript disabled, the help view shown in the browser might be a simplified version.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, Help.

    The Help page appears.

  2. Specify preferences:

    • Use external browsers

      Displays help contents if an embedded web browser is supported on your system. You can select this option to force help to use external browsers. The Web Browser preference page lets you select the browser to use.

    • Open window context help

      Specifies whether the window context help will be opened in a dynamic help view or in an infopop.

    • Open dialog context help

      Specifies whether the dialog context help is opened in a dynamic help section of help view or in an infopop.

    Click OK.

    The Help preferences are set.

Set History Diagram Preferences

The History Diagram dialog lets you set the preferences for displaying your History diagrams.

  1. Select Tools, Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Click History Diagram.

    The History Diagram dialog appears.

  3. Select your History Diagram preferences:

    • Trunk Orientation

      Specifies the orientation of the trunk versions in the diagram as follows:

      • Horizontal

        -- All the trunk versions display in horizontal lines and the branch versions display in vertical lines.

      • Vertical

        -- All the trunk versions display in vertical lines and the branch versions display in horizontal lines.

    • Node Width

      Specifies the node width. Changes to node width are automatically reflected in the Preview area.

    • Node Height

      Specifies the node height. Changes to node height are automatically reflected in the Preview area.

    • Version Details

      Specifies pattern-based contents to be displayed within each node. You can edit the list, and right-click the Version Details field to open a shortcut menu that lets you select tokens to add to the list. Your current cursor position establishes the insertion location when you add tokens to the list. The following tokens are supported:










      Changes to version details are automatically reflected in the Preview area. Each token defined in the Version Details pattern will be replaced with its actual value when the diagram is rendered.

  4. Click the Color and Fonts tab, select diagram colors and fonts, and click OK.

    Your History Diagram preferences are set.

Set Ignored Resources Preferences

The Ignored Resources dialog lets you designate files or directories to be ignored from version management. You can set or remove patterns of files and directories to be ignored.

  1. Select Tools, Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Click Ignored Resources.

    The Ignored Resources dialog appears.

  3. Click Add Pattern

    The Enter Ignore Pattern dialog appears.

  4. Enter the name of the file or directory or pattern (for example, *.class) to be ignored, and click OK.

    The designated files or directories are ignored for version management.

  1. Select the file type in the ignore list.

  2. Click Remove.

    The selected file type is ignored.

Set Install/Update Preferences

The Install/Update page lets you set preferences for installing and updating the Workbench and plug-in.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, Install/Update.

    The Install/Update page appears.

  2. Select preferences:

    • Maximum number of History configurations

      Specifies the maximum number of configurations you want maintained in the configuration history. These configurations are maintained to allow you to revert to a previous configuration of installed feature versions.

    • Check digital signatures of downloaded archives

      Checks for digital signatures of downloaded archives.

    • Automatically select mirrors

      Automatically selects update site mirrors.

    • Valid updates

      Specifies an update level, assuming that feature versions use the form major.minor.service.

    • Update Policy

      Specifies the update policy URL that controls the redirection of update sites within an organization.

    Click OK.

    The Install/Update preferences are set.

You can automatically install updates for both the

CA Harvest SCM

Workbench and

CA Harvest SCM

Plug-in for Eclipse, using the Update Manager. The Update Manager lets you find and install updates, and configure the Workbench or Plug-in for Eclipse.

CA Harvest SCM

administrators run the Update Manager from the command line or the interface. Workbench users typically run the Update Manager from the GUI only.

To use Update Manager in SCM Workbench, click Help, Find and Install Updates. To use the Update Manager in Eclipse SDK, click Help, Software Updates, Find and Install.

If your company policy prohibits the use of Update Manager to access the CA Update site, your administrator may set up a local update site where the administrator configures the local site to contain only the update versions approved by your

CA Harvest SCM


For more information about how to run the Update Manager provided by Eclipse from the command line or the interface, and setting up a local update site at your company, see

Use Update Manager to Update the Workbench

You can automatically install updates to the

CA Harvest SCM

Workbench using the Update Manager.

  1. From the main menu, select Help, Find, and Install Updates.

    The installation wizard appears.

  2. Select Search for new features to install, and click Next.

  3. Click New Remote Site.

    The New Remote Site dialog appears.

  4. Complete the dialog fields:

    • Name

      Specifies the name of the update site. Enter any name, such as "

      CA Harvest SCM

      Workbench Update Site".

    • URL

      Specifies the URL of the

      CA Harvest SCM

      Workbench Update Site. You must obtain the URL from your

      CA Harvest SCM

      administrator or contact CA Technical Support.

    Click OK.

    The new

    CA Harvest SCM

    Workbench Update Site is added to the update sites list.

  5. Select the check box next to the remote site created, and click Next or Finish.

    The Search Results dialog appears.

  6. Expand the tree and select the check box for the feature (Workbench update) to be installed if one is found. Click Finish.

  7. Accept the license agreement and click Next to continue through the wizard to install the update.

  8. When prompted to restart the workbench, click Yes.

    CA Harvest SCM

    Workbench is updated.

You can configure the Workbench to search automatically for updates to the installed features on a periodic basis. The Automatic Updates preference page lets you configure how these updates are scheduled and performed. Update Scheduling options define when searches are performed and Download Options define what happens when updates are found. Each time you start the Workbench, the update scheduler executes in the background when necessary, based on the scheduling options. No messages appear if no updates are found. If updates exist, the behavior depends on the download option you select.

If the application is not active at a scheduled time and the scheduled search is past due, the search immediately starts on the next startup.

If you decide not to install the download features, but later use the Help, Search for Workbench Updates wizard for updating, the downloaded files are reused -- unless the server has newer versions or you have restarted the Workbench.

You can automatically install updates by using the Eclipse Update Manager. The Update Manager lets you find and install updates, and configure the Workbench.

CA Harvest SCM

administrators run the Eclipse Update Manager from the command line or the interface. Workbench users run the Eclipse Update Manager from the interface only. For more information about how to run the Eclipse Update Manager from the command line or the interface, see

Schedule Automatic Updates

The Automatic Updates preferences let you schedule updates for your Workbench installation.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, Install/Update, Automatic Updates.

    The Automatic Updates page appears.

  2. Click Automatically find new updates and notify me.

  3. Select Update Scheduling options and a download option:

    • Search for updates and notify me when they are available

      Searches for updates and notifies you when updates are found. Clicking Yes starts an upgrade wizard that downloads the updates.

    • Download new updates automatically and notify me when ready to install them

      Downloads updates immediately when updates are found. When all the features have been successfully downloaded, a message dialog appears. Clicking Yes installs the new updates.

    Click OK.

    The Workbench automatic updates are scheduled.

Set Lifecycle Diagram Preferences

The Lifecycle Diagram dialog lets you set the preferences for displaying your life cycle diagrams.

  1. Select Tools, Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Click Lifecycle Diagram.

    The Lifecycle Diagram dialog appears.

  3. Select Lifecycle Diagram preferences:

    • Approval Indicator

      Specifies that an approval icon is to indicate an approve process.

    • Horizontal Spacing

      Specifies the horizontal distance between nodes.

    • Vertical Spacing

      Specifies the vertical distance between nodes.

    • Node Width

      Specifies the node width. Changes to node width are automatically reflected in the Preview area.

    • Node Height

      Specifies the node height. Changes to node height are automatically reflected in the Preview area.

    • State Details

      Specifies pattern-based contents to be displayed within each node. You can edit the list, and right-click the State Details field to open a shortcut menu that lets you select tokens to add to the list. Your current pointer position establishes the insertion location when you add tokens to the list. The following tokens are supported:








      Changes to state details are automatically reflected in the Preview area. Each token defined in the State Details pattern will be replaced with its actual value when the diagram is rendered.

  4. Click the Colors and Fonts tab, and select options. Clicking the Color field, opens a color palette that lets you select colors.

    Changes to colors and fonts are automatically reflected in the Preview area.

  5. Click the Connections tab, and select options for showing promote and demote processes, their names, and how they should appear as lines. Clicking a Color field opens a color palette that lets you select colors.

    Click OK.

    Your Lifecycle Diagram preferences are set.

The Logging dialog lets you set the preferences for the output log.

The Logging dialog does not affect the Eclipse metadata log. The Eclipse metadata log, which records application exceptions is always stored on the file system regardless of preference settings.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, Logging.

    The Logging dialog appears.

  2. Select your logging preferences.

    • Save Output Log

      Saves the output log to a file named CASCM.log. The file is created when you log in to

      CA Harvest SCM

      , and log information is recorded in it.

    • Output Log Path

      Specifies a location for the output log file.

    • Log View Length

      Specifies the maximum number of lines displayed in the Log View.

    Click OK.

    Your logging preferences are set.

The WorkArea page lets you set preferences for your WorkAreas View. These preferences can help keep your WorkAreas View up-to-date automatically.

  1. Click Tools, Preferences, WorkArea.

    The WorkArea page appears.

  2. Select from the following preferences:

    • Always prompt for description on check in

      Prompts for a description whenever a content change is committed to the WorkArea.

    • Always check out latest version

      Always checks out the latest version in the repository even though an old version of an item exists in the WorkArea.

    • Commit edited items on Latest Trunk

      Commits the changes to the latest trunk version in the repository. For more information see, Change Commit Preferences.

    • Preserve local changes during Undo Check Out

      Preserves the changes in your local copy of the resource when you undo a checkout operation. By default, the undo checkout operation releases the reserved version in the

      CA Harvest SCM

      repository and checks out the latest version of the selected resource to the local WorkArea. During this process, the changes made to the resource in the local WorkArea are lost. The changes include edit and modify operations. When you select this option, the undo checkout operation only releases the version in the repository and retains the local changes on the existing version, without checking out the latest version.

  3. Click OK.

    Your WorkAreas View preferences are set.

Set Peer Review Preferences

The Peer Review page lets you customize the notification format for the review request creation and for the closure of the review request. To customize the notification format, you can use the following predefined variables.

  1. Select Tools, Preferences, Peer Review.

    The Peer Review page appears.

  2. Enter the message format in the message fields. Use the sample text as a section.

  3. Click OK.

    The notification format for the review request creation and for the closure of the review request is set.

The Version page lets you customize the version data size that you consider as a large file from the Workbench / Eclipse interface.

The default version data size is 50 MB.


You can use this preference for the following actions:

  • Double-click a version

  • Compare a version

  • Compare with Trunk

  1. Select Window, Preferences, Version.

    The Version page appears in the right pane.

  2. Enter the file size that you consider as a large file.

  3. Click Apply to apply the changes.

  4. Click OK.

Setting preferences lets you set up the plug-in to suit your needs.

  1. Open the plug-in, and click Window, Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Set the preferences you want to use for your plug-in sessions, and click Apply to apply changes only or click OK to save changes and dismiss the dialog.

  3. (Optional) Click the Restore Default button to restore dialog settings for the currently displayed preferences to their default values.

    Your plug-in preferences are set.


CA Harvest SCM



CA Harvest SCM

preferences lets you set up the Plug-In for Eclipse to suit your needs.

  1. Open the plug-in, and click Window, Preferences, Team,

    CA Harvest SCM


    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Set the preferences you want to use for your plug-in sessions:

    • Allow editing without checkout

      Allows file modification without checking out the corresponding item.

    • Commit edited items on Latest Trunk

      Commits the changes to the latest trunk in the repository.

    • Always prompt for description on check in

      Prompts for a description when you execute a check-in.

    • Always check out latest version

      Specifies that the latest trunk or branch version is used for check-out.

    • Preserve local changes during Undo Check Out

      Preserves the changes in your local copy of the resource when you undo a checkout operation. By default, the undo checkout operation releases the reserved version in the

      CA Harvest SCM

      repository and checks out the latest version of the selected resource to the local Workspace. During this process, the changes made to the resource in the local Workspace are lost. The changes include edit and modify operations. When you select this option, the undo checkout operation only releases the version in the repository and retains the local changes on the existing version, without checking out the latest version.

    • Delete Behavior

      Specifies how deletion of managed files should affect the

      CA Harvest SCM


      The delete behavior applies to managed files and to the effect on the

      CA Harvest SCM

      repository when a managed file is deleted on the client. You can delete the file locally without affecting the repository or you can update the repository to show that the item has been deleted (a D-tag version is created).

    • Show Package State column for Versions in Lists View

      Adds the Package State column for versions in the Lists View. The column represents the state in which the package that includes the version currently resides.

    • Disable Build Automatically option while adding to Workspace

      Specifies to de-select the option to build automatically while adding the

      CA Harvest SCM

      projects to the Workspace. The Build automatically option in the preferences section remains selected in a default Eclipse installation. The Disable Build Automatically option lets you to de-select the same and as a result not to build automatically every time while adding to Workspace operations. You can use this option based on your build automatically requirements.

  3. Click Apply to apply changes only or click OK to save changes and dismiss the dialog.

  4. (Optional) Click the Restore Default button to restore dialog settings for the currently displayed preferences to their default values.


    CA Harvest SCM

    preferences are set.

Allow Editing Without Checkout Considerations

We recommend the use of the Allow editing without checkout preference because it improves performance and best suits refactoring operations.

The following considerations apply if you do


use the Allow editing without checkout preference:

  • If you perform any refactoring operations on *.java files, a check-out occurs followed by the corresponding refactoring operation.

  • If you perform any refactoring operations on files that result in content change of the files, a check-out occurs followed by the corresponding refactoring operation. For example, renaming a java file from a java perspective results in the change of the class name (check-out occur followed by rename operation).

  • You cannot perform refactoring of a Java package because refactoring of a Java package will result in a check-out of all the files under that package.

  • If a refactoring operation fails after the check-out for update of files, the files remain reserved and you need to release the files explicitly.

  • If a refactoring operation fails, a Refactor Error dialog can appear that has Undo and Abort options. This dialog does not impact the workspace; you can click Undo or Abort to close the dialog.

Set Explorer Tree Preferences

The Explorer Tree preferences page lets you specify how to display files, and set indicators that mark packages to show package conditions.

You can display files in one of the following ways:

  • In the Explorer View tree as children of folders. (Enable the Show Files in Tree option.)

  • In the Lists View when you select a folder in the tree; the List View automatically appears in the foreground. (Disable the Show Files in Tree option.)

  1. Click Window, Preferences, Team,

    CA Harvest SCM

    , Explorer Tree.

    The Explorer Tree page appears.

  2. Display files by selecting the check box:

    • Show Files in Tree

      Shows files in the in the Explorer View tree as children of folders.

  3. Select the preferences that you want to appear on packages from the Indicator check boxes. Click OK.

    Your Explorer Tree preferences are set.

Set Decoration Preferences

CA Harvest SCM

uses image and text decorations to indicate the status of every file and folder. For example, if a file is managed by

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, a cylinder image appears next to that file's icon. If the file is checked out, a checkmark appears along with a right-angle bracket (>) next to the file name.


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page of the Preferences dialog lets you modify your decoration settings. You can select text or image decorations or a combination of both.

  1. Click Window, Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Click Team,

    CA Harvest SCM

    , Appearance in the navigation tree on the left side of the dialog.


    CA Harvest SCM

    preferences page appears. These settings are applicable only to the Navigator view.

  3. Set the decoration preferences.

    • Text decorations

      Specifies the character or string that you want to represent the status of the resource. The character or string you specify appears next to the resource according to the resource's state. If you prefer no text decorations, leave these fields blank.

    • Image decorations

      Specifies the character or string that you want to represent the status of the resource. Images appear next to the resource according to the resource's state. If you prefer no image decorations, clear the check boxes.

      By clearing the boxes in the Image decorations group you can disable the image decorations but keep the text decorations. This reduces the number of images in your workspace and helps alleviate the problem of reaching an image limit in your application.

    • Restore Defaults

      The default settings on the

      CA Harvest SCM

      page of the Preferences dialog are a combination of both image and text decorations. Clicking Restore Defaults restores the following settings:

    • Text decorations

      • New resources-Asterisk (*)

      • Managed resources-Blank

      • Checked out resources-Right angle bracket (>)

      • Edited resources-Plus sign (+)

    • Image decorations

      • New resources-Clear

      • Managed resources-Checked

      • Checked out resources-Checked

    Click OK.

    Your decoration preferences are set.

Update Manager for Plug-in

You can automatically install updates for the Plug-In for Eclipse, using the Update Manager. The Update Manager lets you find and install updates, and configure the Plug-In for Eclipse.

CA Harvest SCM

administrators run the Update Manager from the command line or the interface.

To use the Update Manager in Eclipse SDK, click Help, Software Updates, Find and Install.

If your company policy prohibits the use of Update Manager to access the CA Update site, your administrator may set up a local update site where the administrator configures the local site to contain only the update versions approved by your

CA Harvest SCM


For more information about how to run the Update Manager provided by Eclipse from the command line or the interface, as well setting up a local update site at your company, see

Use Update Manager to Update the Plug-in

You can automatically install updates to the plug-in using the Update Manager.

  1. From the main menu, select Help, Software Updates, and Available Software.

    The Software Updates and Add-ons wizard appears.

  2. Click Add Site.

    The Add Site dialog appears.

  3. Complete the dialog field:

    • Location

      Specifies the URL of the

      CA Harvest SCM

      Plug-In for Eclipse Update Site. You must obtain the URL from your

      CA Harvest SCM

      administrator or contact CA Technical Support.

    Click OK.

    The new

    CA Harvest SCM

    Plug-In for Eclipse Update Site is added to the update sites list.

  4. Select the check box next to the remote site created.

  5. Expand the tree and select the check box for the feature (

    CA Harvest SCM

    Plug-In for Eclipse update) to be installed if one is found. Click Install.

    The Progress information appears followed by the Installation wizard. Click Next.

  6. Accept the license agreement and click Finish to continue through the wizard to install the update.

  7. When prompted to restart the plug-in, click Yes.

    CA Harvest SCM

    Plug-In for Eclipse Update Site is updated.

How to Show Package and State

You can show the state name in which a package resides.

  • To show package and state on incoming files, select Show Package and State in Tree on the Incoming/Outgoing Mode view toolbar.

    The package and state are appended to the version name in the form VersionName (StateName:PackageName) for incoming files.

  • To show the state in which a package which includes the version resides use the Show Package State column for Versions in Lists View preference.


    CA Harvest SCM

    Lists View displays an additional Package State column for versions. This column represents the state in which the package which contains the version resides.

    This preference can affect the performance for displaying the synchronize tree.

  1. Open the plug-in, and click Window, Preferences, Team,

    CA Harvest SCM


    The Preferences dialog appears.

  2. Select the Show Package State column for Versions in Lists View check box. Click OK to save changes and dismiss the dialog.


    CA Harvest SCM

    preferences are set. Changes to this preference are stored between Eclipse sessions.


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